Since 2007, the Veraison to Harvest newsletter has been collecting grape sample data from across New York State.  While grape cultivars and vineyard sites have varied over the years, some sites have yielded 10 or more years of data to compare.  Using new data analysis methods and the NEWA weather system, we hope to find meaningful patterns in this trove of grape information.

Chris Gerling, Senior Extension Associate, Cornell Craft Beverage Institute

Chris Gerling is a Senior Extension Associate in the department of Food Science at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, NY.  He works with the craft beverage industry to create educational programs that support the growth and improved quality of premium wines, ciders and distilled spirits.  He is the manager of the Vinification & Brewing Technology lab, where fermentations are conducted for research projects and industry trials; and the Cornell Craft Beverage Analysis Lab, where products may be submitted for troubleshooting, routine analysis or sensory appraisal.   He also organizes and conducts workshops and seminars that focus on production and analytical techniques for farm-based beverages.  Chris is past chair of the American Society of Enology and Viticulture/ Eastern Section and serves on the ASEV national chapter’s laboratory proficiency committee.  He is also a member of the Cider Institute of North America’s executive committee.